Neglect not the gift
"Neglect not the gift that is in thee...
Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them"
1 Timothy 4:14-15
I first saw this scripture when I attended a Time Out for Women event a few years back. I love the message of this scripture. I believe we are all given gifts from our Heavenly Father. We all have missions in this life to accomplish. Each of us are given unique talents and abilities that can be used to help others. The problem with me is that sometimes life gets too crazy, too piled up, or I get stuck in a routine and don't lift my head high enough to remember what I was put on earth to do.
I'm challenging myself to get out of ruts, to have more moments of remembering who I am, and to somehow balance it all so that I won't neglect the gift anymore.
Take a moment to ponder today. Stop and remember what gifts you have been given, no matter if they're grand or small, and realign your course. Each day is precious, time is fleeting, and our time on earth right now is a gift. May you have a beautiful day!