“Be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
-- Ephesians 5:18–20
About Erin
Welcome to my music website! Thanks for stopping by. I share piano arrangements of hymns, spiritual songs and my own composed music, free of charge. I only wish to share the musical gifts I have been given with others, that more peace and joy may come into your life. Music is a wonderful gift to share.
These inspirational songs have been performed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints meetings such as sacrament, young women events, Christmas programs, firesides, and more. While some of my songs touch upon doctrine taught in this church, these songs can also be shared in other churches as well, as we share common beliefs with other faiths. The sheet music is free for you download. Please feel free to share this site with others!
My Story
I started my music learning when I was twelve years old. It's really a funny story. In 1991, I was living in Las Vegas, NV. I was a major tomboy, and loved to hang out with three great guys who were my age and played video games with me.
One weekend, my friend Seth asked me if he and his brothers could borrow my Sega Genesis and games for the weekend to play. I said 'Of course!' and thought nothing of it. Well, it ended up getting stolen out of their home. The next Monday morning, Seth sadly told me the news. I remember making the ridiculous response of 'Cool! Now I can get a Super Nintendo'.
I had two options; I could receive monthly payments to reimburse the games, or I could get free piano lesson's from Seth's mom. I didn't know how to play piano, so I thought ‘What the heck’ and began lessons, learning with the Alfred books. What a blessing in disguise!
The first two years, I worked on mastering the basics of piano. The third year, I began playing by ear. My first song I learned by ear was my Mom's favorite song, "An Affair To Remember". I would play the song on the tv over and over, pausing, and matching the sound on the piano.
The fourth year was the year I began composing songs. How exciting that was. I dabbled in little songs until I began to take a direction in spiritual themed songs. I found those to be much more useful and touching. That was the year that Seth and I formed a choir of friends, and we performed my songs through out church meetings and Sunday concerts. That chapter in my life I hold sacred in my heart. It was the greatest teenage experience anyone could wish for. We met each Sunday at Seth’s home, and for three hours rejoiced in music and friendship. Such a legacy and a gift.
Through out my teen years and into college, I continued to share my music and meet wonderful people. It has been so humbling to share the songs, and see the excitement and peace it has brought to my friends.
I have always wanted to make the songs more available, but life gets busy. I began raising my family, and the songs have been patiently waiting. In this wonderful social media age, the time has arrived to share them. If I can help at least one person remember their potential worth and how much they are loved from above, then my work will not be in vain.
Photo Credits: Erin Hatch Photography
My Testimony
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am a Christian. I believe in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. My mom was a convert to the church, and I've been a member my whole life. For me, as I went to church, read my scriptures, and attended church activities growing up, I always knew in my heart that the church was true. I just felt the peace that comes from keeping the commandments and following the Savior. I was blessed to have friends with the same standards, and they helped me choose the right and stay away from the dangers of the world.
It wasn't until I left the happy bubble of being surrounded by church members and friends, and served a mission in Jacksonville, Florida that my testimony sky rocketed. Being a missionary, I went into homes that did not have the gospel, or any knowledge of the plan of happiness or the Book of Mormon. I visited other churches. I felt the difference, and I remember what it felt like. It strengthened my testimony of this church tremendously. I found joy in sharing the gospel with those who had open hearts to hear the message their Heavenly Father wanted them to hear. I learned amazing things in Florida, and my life has been forever blessed.
I know that before we came to earth, we lived in Heaven with our Heavenly Father. We came to earth to gain a body, to be tested, and to experience the joys and sorrows of mortality. We are all children of God, and we are not left alone on earth to struggle. We can access divine help from above through prayer. We have been given scriptures for instructions, answers, and peace. God has given us a living prophet today, Russell M. Nelson, to guide us with important messages. I know these things are true, because I have put them to the test by living the gospel, and seeing the good fruits that have come.
I know that music is powerful, and can speak to us in ways the spoken word cannot. If you're heart is open, the spirit will whisper messages to you through the melodies you will hear on this website. I pray that you may find answers and direction in your life through the music. This music is to help you learn more about Jesus Christ and his gospel, and to help you know that God is very aware of you and loves you. For some, this music can help you reawaken your testimony light that might have gone out , and to come back home to the gospel. It is never too late.
To learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, click on this link, http://www.mormon.org/
Photo Credits: Jeanna Hayes